Thursday, January 8, 2009

to costume or not to costume?

i have a tendency to dress in a bit of a theme and i think sometimes i end up costume-y. this isn't particularly a problem for me, but i wonder to what degree i look like i'm trying too hard... which is funny because dressing in theme is exactly the opposite of trying because rocker goes with rocker, innocent goes with innocent, mod goes with mod, school girl goes with school girl, hippie goes with hippie and so on and so forth - there's really very little to think about! 
i know the glamourai refers to her attire as "costumes" and i've heard other people do it too, but i am wondering if i take that term a little too far. 
does it just look lazy or weird if i dress in a "look" from head to toe?

coffee talk - talk amongst yourselves. 

as a side note: the saddle shoes i am sporting here are currently competing for the #1 spot of "most adored" in my closet... also up for the top spot is the cream crochet dress i bought from dutchess vintage on etsy which came in the mail today and i just opened as i walked in the door and am wearing over the clothes i had on as i type this! love it! photos soon :)


Missa said...

Oh, the saddle shoes! Most adored and most adorable as is this entire outfit!

I don't think you come off as costumey and I think it's fine to go with a head to toe look as long as you pull it off well which you always do :)

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

i definitely go with 'costumes' from time to time, but always intentionally. whether i go preppy or total 70's boho chic, it just kind of happens naturally!

Eyeliah said...

I really like this look, I think if you were in knee socks it would be too far. As it is, not too costumey.

Anonymous said...

i often (read: every day) feel the same way about my outfit choices.
i feel like i either look like a 12-year-old buy - jeans and a t-shirt - or i'm WAY too costume-y. i really envy the girls who can throw on a bunch of random pieces and look amazing.

on the other hand, i don't think you look too costume-y. you just always look cute :)

i read somewhere (i can't remember where, and it's going to drive me crazy now!) that taking daily outfit photos really helps you realistically analyze the things you wear, and see each outfit as a "whole," rather than just the parts we pick out and obsess over in the mirror... i wonder if this is true?
you're much better at the daily outfit shots than i am. does it feel like it has it helped you?

stacyinsaddleshoes said...

I love you in those saddle shoes and little white socks.Do you wear them?