Sunday, December 7, 2008

the one that got away... maybe.

i freaked yesterday when i found this sofa at the thrift for just $75. i was ready to load it up and take it home immediately except it wouldn't fit in my car and the store was closing soon.
i was determined and my mind was a fury of thoughts... and then i really sat on it and inspected it and it turns out the "guts" of the sofa were falling out from underneath like 10 fat kids had jumped on it and ruined it.
so i left it...
and now i want it.
despite the fact that i have a sofa... and another in storage...
i want it.
it's totally possible it's still there. i mean it was late on saturday and they were closed today so if i went early monday it could still be there....
i wonder how much getting the guts put back in would really cost. more or less than getting the one in my living room re-upholstered?
hmmmm... if you have advice feel free to comment.


S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

OMFG that couch is so amazing though! I understand what you must be going through...stuff like that causes me a small degree of stress for sure.

Eyeliah said...

I love it, but for $75 and needing work I love it a bit less. Tough call but leaning toward no. :-)

Missa said...

It is quite lovely... did you get it, did you get it?!